welcome to Redshoe technolgies inc.
Technology, Inovation, Common Sense

RedShoe Technologies, Inc., is a diverse technology group of consultants specializing in web development (eCommerce, pay sites, specialized application), Lotus Notes & Domino deployment, system development, and user training & mentoring. Through a diverse skill set offering we can help you focus your use of internal knowledge and technology to guarantee the highest return on your investment.
Technology only works if your employees use it. -- It's a simple premise but one that many companies miss. New initiatives are often put in place without thought around the 'total product', including integration with existing business process, user skill sets, or even properly staffed resources. By combining our experience with development, research, training and integration, and the knowledge and experience of your company we can streamline even the most complicated of tasks and processes, saving you money and time and helping your employees get their jobs done quicker and with less frustration. From advanced Internet and Intranet solutions to Same Time collaborative applications, we make your technology work for you.